FHP Coordinator Meeting Recording Available for Viewing

Please see the below linked recording from the BIL updates from our Federal Partners yesterday.

Presentation: FHP Coordinator Meeting Presentation (PDF)

Video: https://youtu.be/ueiDpsKJvgA

A big thank you to USFWS/EPA/NOAA and BLM for presenting.  Below the link is also a few resources that were shared in the chat and are memorialized in the Teams meeting invite.  I have also attached the presentation on the Joint Taskforce that was provided by Shannon Boyle. The email addresses for all of the Federal agency presenters are on the CC line of this email

FHP Coordinators call recording 8/16: https://youtu.be/ueiDpsKJvgA

Thank you all for participating,

Ryan Roberts
National Fish Habitat Partnership Program Manager

Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
1100 First Street, NE (Suite 825)
Washington, DC 20002

PH: 202-838-3466
Fax: 202-350-9869