FY2024 Grant Timeline and FY2025 Reminder

As we head into the holidays, don't forget to encourage your local staff and Friends group to apply for FY2025 Large Grants! Take a look at the application form now, as it has changed somewhat to better align with the American Conservation Enhancement Act. There are more specific sections asking for particular information (e.g., how you plan to improve angler access, if that's part of the project), but with clear word limits. Hopefully, these limits help you avoid spending excess time on individual sections, while still giving us what we need to score your project. Please contact Rebecca if you have any issues with the new application form, and remember that you must enter your email to "Save and Continue Later".

Regarding FY2024 Large Grants, please refer to the list of projects submitted to the Secretary of Interior and note that all were forwarded on for Federal budget approval. That may not occur until about February 2024! We will let you know as soon as we do, whether that goes through as expected.