Entry ID2793
Friends of Reservoirs Member/Group Sponsoring the ProjectBASS Nation of Virginia
Project Leader Contact InformationCarley Pavan-Ballard
Phone(540) 643-0333
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Address5414 Cougar Trail Rd
Dublin, Virginia 24084
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Project Information
Reservoir NameClaytor Lake
Google Maps Locationapp.goo.gl
Please describe the project objective(s).

The Fisheries and Wildlife Management students will learn about the decrease in aquatic habitats and how wildlife biologists have developed new ways to increase it. The students will learn how habitats have changed over time and how to build artificial habitats that can benefit the aquatic ecosystem in Claytor Lake. This project will increase the aquatic ecosystem in Claytor Lake by providing cover for smaller fish, providing a gathering place for the fish and in return providing the predatory fish a place to hunt. In collaboration with Claytor Lake State Park Rangers and staff, Friends of Claytor Lake and Friends of Reservoirs; Laura Walters of Pulaski County and Inland Fisheries biologists from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.

Please describe the project methods. Will the product be used in conjunction with existing habitat restoration efforts on the reservoir? Will the product supplement natural brush, rock, or other materials being added to the reservoir?

In collaboration with Claytor Lake State Park Rangers and staff, Friends of Claytor Lake and Friends of Reservoirs; Laura Walters of Pulaski County and Inland Fisheries biologists from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. The expected outcome is to provide cover and habitat for aquatic species with an emphasis on fish. This will also serve as an educational endeavor for the Fisheries and Wildlife Management students at Pulaski County High School.

Will state fish and wildlife agency staff be directly involved in the project? How so (planning, site selection, participation in installation)? Is there an associated lake or habitat management plan that states the need for structural habitat enhancement?


List the species that the project is expected to benefit:

Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Striped Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch, hybrid bass, spotted bass, walleye, musky, Carp, along with microorganisms.

How do you plan to conduct outreach and advertise the project? (Examples: on-site signage, press releases, websites, message boards)

The Fisheries and Wildlife Management students will be in charge of outreach plans as they find ways to reach the surrounding community to spread the word of the added habitats. The Pulaski County Public Schools Public relations specialist Dave Gravely will assist students in covering the news. WDBJ7 will be contacted and students participating will be interviewed on their participation. Social media

Partnership and Budget
Does the project involve one or more youth groups?Yes
Please list all partners involved in the project:
Partner Name Type of Partner Cash Contribution ($) In-Kind Contribution In-Kind Value ($)
Friends of Claytor Lake Non-profit Labor/boats 500
Appalachian Power Private Shipping TBD
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources State agency Biologist time/expertise 450
Claytor Lake State Park State agency Storage, labor, boats, construction supervision 1200
BASS Nation Fishing group Advisorship and project coordination TBD
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