Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership Request for Proposals FY2023

The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (RFHP) is announcing its FY2023 Request for Proposals for funding through the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP). Passage of the America's Conservation Enhancement Act in October 2021 brought about changes to the granting program. Submission deadlines have changed from those in previous years with proposals due on February 15, 2022. The proposal review process has been lengthened. After proposal review and ranking by RFHPs Working Groups, the ranked list of proposals will be submitted to the NFHP Board by March 31. The NFHP Board will then combine proposals from all 20 Fish Habitat Partnerships and present a ranked list to the Department of Interior by July 1. DOI has until October 1, 2022 to approve the list of projects for funding. RFHP is anticipating approximately $300,000 for on-the-ground habitat restoration grants and we anticipate funding 4-6 projects in the $10,000-$75,000 range. Given the limited amount of funding available at this time, we hope that these project awards could add value to a project that you may already have on the books. Proposals must be submitted via the on-line application form on our website Large Grant | Friends of Reservoirs.